Managed WordPress Hosting
Managed WordPress Hosting with EZOSHosting
Our Managed WordPress hosting service is based on years of hands-on hosting experience, work in the field of server side security, and an academic background. This allows us to offer WordPress integrations, custom development, search engine optimization, search engine, and social marketing as add-ons to our Managed WordPress Hosting. Further on, as one of our customers you enjoy the benefits of having access to extremely valuable bonus software.
Managed WordPress Hosting without EZOSHosting
If you install WordPress out of the box, as is, you will most likely hit the resource limits of any cheap shared hosting provider very quickly and you typically risk to have your site shut down, as high server use and high profit margins do not really get along too well with each other. Not with EZOSHosting! We understand WordPress needs way more memory and CPU cycles than a lot of other comparable CMS, but yet, it’s so extremely popular by end users. We know why! It is very easy to manage, very extensible and offers a lot of integrations with third party software providers. We have successfully deployed thousands of WordPress sites and helped website owners get a lot of traffic, whilst keeping the site secure and the servers stable. We know which plugins work wonders and we offer an extremely popular add-on service to our hosting where we as real humans check your WordPress core, plugins and themes on a daily basis and update them if necessary. Just this service alone virtually eliminates the risk of getting hacked by 0-day exploits, but if you jump to our WordPress security section, you’ll see that it even gets better.
What type of blogger are you?
If you fall into the first group you are among the 98 % of bloggers who risk having their website compromised every day. Most people delay the tasks to maintain their website on a daily basis even though they know they should be taking care of it. Instead, they just leave it until “tomorrow” or “another day”. However, tomorrow is typically another busy day and people do not find the time to check their site(s) again. Instead of keeping things clean and organized, they expose their website to evil doers and hold themselves at the mercy of hackers due to their neglecting.
Managed WordPress Hosting: Our Benefits
SecurityTime/MoneyBetter SupportTerrible things can happen if you don’t keep your website’s software and third party plug ins or themes up to date:
Ever heard of hackers?
Let us give you a quick introduction on how hackers work with WordPress:
- First they find a vulnerability or in hacker lingo ‘a black hole’. This is a bug within the WordPress software itself or within a plugin or even a theme.
- Next, they find all other blogs that have this vulnerability and get to work. Google is their best friend!
- Once they have found victims, they will do harm to them:
- It could be that they just act maliciously on your blog by replacing files with their signature files.
- Sometimes they only write a little phrase on a website.
- In most cases, they deface the site with their signature, rendering the rest of the site unusable.
- More subtle hackers replace your AdSense or affiliate codes with their own so that you lose income.
- Sometimes spammers hire hackers so that they can use your blog to send out millions of spam emails resulting in your reputation going down the tube and being banned by your web hoster or being added to a black list. It is always harder to get off a blacklist than to get on there!
- Some hackers upload scripts to sites and make them look like a known banking or shopping site (also known as phishing). Then they lead people to your site to collect usernames and passwords or other data for the purpose of identity theft.
- Some criminals trade child pornography or other illegal content through hacked websites
- Once the site has been compromised, your work has just started. These things always happen at the worst time!
- The best case scenario is that you have a backup and get your blog online again after a little while
- The worst case scenario is that your hosting service shuts you down or that you are
blacklisted by Google and penalized by the other search engines.
Do yourself a favor and minimize the risk of having these bad things happening to you and take advantage of our WordPress security offer!
But how does our management offer relate to an increase in security?
Usually, a vulnerability is patched very quickly. So, the plug-in or theme developer releases a new version or WordPress releases a new version of their software.
Then, what the hacker does is to search for blogs that have NOT updated as they know that those blogs are still wide open and easy victims. Whilst WordPress has an auto-update functionality as of v3.7, there are typically delays in the updates.
In short, the quicker that you upgrade to the latest versions, the less chance you have of being hacked.
And if you think that it wouldn’t happen to you, google for “WordPress Blog Hacked” and you will see over 3 million reports of other people who have had it happen to them.
Once again, the best practice is to make sure that your plugins, themes and installs are up to date, and if you don’t find the time to do it every day, that’s what our Managed WordPress offer is good for.
Our Managed WordPress Offer takes care of your WordPress security and updates for you simply and easily.
We hope that we have made clear the importance of security and keeping your WordPress blog up to date with the latest software, plugins and themes at any time.
The next step is to find a way to put this into action without spending hours doing it
yourself every day or hiring a dedicated sysadmin to do it.
Our Managed WordPress Hosting takes care of this burden for you, as our experienced administrators will update all of you plugins and themes and the core installation for you. If a security issue comes up, they might make updates more than once per day and they will do this across every single blog that you and / or your clients have.
Time is money, but you only pay a very little for the time we spend to manage your site.
Something that is extremely important if you have just one blog or if you have a thousand blogs is the ability to get qualified support right then when you need it without going back and forth. Or using another word, organization.
Our Managed WordPresss Hosting offer will help you with this organization when you need support, as:
- Our Administrators will know what blogs you have. They will have a direct connection to your blog’s backend.
- We will not have to ask all of your usernames and passwords, as we can access all blogs from one central off-site location.
- We can inform you when one of your blogs is down.
- We can inform you when a theme, plugin or software needs more time for the update process.
Due to the time which it usually takes to get the right login details, it is something which you probably let slide which means that your blogs are not up to date and probably not performing as you want them to.
By having your site taking advantage of our great Managed WordPress Hosting you also get better support.
Ever heard of hackers?
Let us give you a quick introduction on how hackers work with WordPress:
- First they find a vulnerability or in hacker lingo ‘a black hole’. This is a bug within the WordPress software itself or within a plugin or even a theme.
- Next, they find all other blogs that have this vulnerability and get to work. Google is their best friend!
- Once they have found victims, they will do harm to them:
- It could be that they just act maliciously on your blog by replacing files with their signature files.
- Sometimes they only write a little phrase on a website.
- In most cases, they deface the site with their signature, rendering the rest of the site unusable.
- More subtle hackers replace your AdSense or affiliate codes with their own so that you lose income.
- Sometimes spammers hire hackers so that they can use your blog to send out millions of spam emails resulting in your reputation going down the tube and being banned by your web hoster or being added to a black list. It is always harder to get off a blacklist than to get on there!
- Some hackers upload scripts to sites and make them look like a known banking or shopping site (also known as phishing). Then they lead people to your site to collect usernames and passwords or other data for the purpose of identity theft.
- Some criminals trade child pornography or other illegal content through hacked websites
- Once the site has been compromised, your work has just started. These things always happen at the worst time!
- The best case scenario is that you have a backup and get your blog online again after a little while
- The worst case scenario is that your hosting service shuts you down or that you are
blacklisted by Google and penalized by the other search engines.
Do yourself a favor and minimize the risk of having these bad things happening to you and take advantage of our WordPress security offer!
But how does our management offer relate to an increase in security?
Usually, a vulnerability is patched very quickly. So, the plug-in or theme developer releases a new version or WordPress releases a new version of their software.
Then, what the hacker does is to search for blogs that have NOT updated as they know that those blogs are still wide open and easy victims. Whilst WordPress has an auto-update functionality as of v3.7, there are typically delays in the updates.
In short, the quicker that you upgrade to the latest versions, the less chance you have of being hacked.
And if you think that it wouldn’t happen to you, google for “WordPress Blog Hacked” and you will see over 3 million reports of other people who have had it happen to them.
Once again, the best practice is to make sure that your plugins, themes and installs are up to date, and if you don’t find the time to do it every day, that’s what our Managed WordPress offer is good for.
Our Managed WordPress Offer takes care of your WordPress security and updates for you simply and easily.

The next step is to find a way to put this into action without spending hours doing it
yourself every day or hiring a dedicated sysadmin to do it.
Our Managed WordPress Hosting takes care of this burden for you, as our experienced administrators will update all of you plugins and themes and the core installation for you. If a security issue comes up, they might make updates more than once per day and they will do this across every single blog that you and / or your clients have.
Time is money, but you only pay a very little for the time we spend to manage your site.

Our Managed WordPresss Hosting offer will help you with this organization when you need support, as:
- Our Administrators will know what blogs you have. They will have a direct connection to your blog’s backend.
- We will not have to ask all of your usernames and passwords, as we can access all blogs from one central off-site location.
- We can inform you when one of your blogs is down.
- We can inform you when a theme, plugin or software needs more time for the update process.
Due to the time which it usually takes to get the right login details, it is something which you probably let slide which means that your blogs are not up to date and probably not performing as you want them to.
By having your site taking advantage of our great Managed WordPress Hosting you also get better support.